To: catnipman
Looks like the facility has a meeting room that will hold about a thousand, based on this pic from their website. Typical tiny Hillary venue. Wonder if she can even fill this tiny room? But the big question is...are there dividers than can section the room off into smaller rooms? It makes for bad optics if the room looks too empty.
109 posted on
09/21/2016 11:16:12 AM PDT by
(I served and protected my country for 31 years. Progressives spent that time trying to destroy it.)
To: AlaskaErik
Hillary needs to bring a mirror to her rallys.
It makes the room look bigger.
128 posted on
09/21/2016 11:22:25 AM PDT by
(We're all gonna get the punishment only some of us deserve.)
To: AlaskaErik
Appears to be a basketball court. See the scoreboard above and left of the podium.
138 posted on
09/21/2016 11:24:25 AM PDT by
(Hillary walks while 100's of teens get prosecuted for mishandling Miley Cyrus MP3's..) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson