I concur but was Hillary really not surrounded by Secret Service agents? The video I saw was limited and only a young girl approached after Hillary motioned for the little girl.
There was an area at least 5 or 10 feet around Hillary with no Secret Service Agents. In effect it was a "free fire zone." If this was Hillary and I think it was, those agents were ordered to stand back so she could make the appearance with the little girl.
Question: Who is the little girl and how did she just happen to be on the street where Hillary could call her over for a photo op? This was staged and theater.
Pneumonia is infective, I guess the little girl is just collateral damage. I have had pneumonia with one collapsed lobe of my lung. The treatment was a couple of months. I could still work though weak. I sure as hell did not go around hugging little girls or friends. I was forbidden to go into any sterile areas were we made IVs or compounding drug products. I wore a mask at work. In reality once a person quits coughing the danger of spreading infection is small even thought the disease is still active in the body and being treated with drugs. Hillary has been coughing for over a year. This is not pneumonia. I suspect she has congestive heart failure and perhaps other organ failures that are associated with CHF.
I am a hospital clinical pharmacist and Hillary is a sick puppy. We do not know for sure what her illness is or multiple illnesses but I assure you she is a sick puppy.