Waiting until something is posted in the Religion forum to attack Catholics isn't good enough any more?
Well, obviously the non-Catholic majority in this nation isn't responsible for what the majority has allowed to happen, so we'll just say, "pretend to be Christian" since our overwhelmingly non-Catholic population thinks that eliminating religious freedom is just fine as long as they can blame the Catholic minority for it having happened.
>> the Catholic minority for it having happened.
Martin Luther was a Catholic.
It was the Rome part he was trying to reform out of the body of Christ.
"The Jesuit order played an important role in the Counter-Reformation and eventually succeeded in converting millions around the world to Catholicism. The Jesuit movement was founded by Ignatius de Loyola, a Spanish soldier turned priest, in August 1534."Jesuit order established - Sep 27, 1540 - HISTORY.com