As you stated and I remember the same happened a while back I think it may have been related to the Whitewater affair for what she couldn’t produce the paperwork. Then all of a sudden and as if by magic out of the clear blue sky the files were found laying in the foyer of the White House. The sad part is, that not only is she an uncouth crooked party hack and on top of it she seems to be dumb as a rock, constantly confirming her low IQ with her foul language. And yes I believe, in an actual person on person debate Trump would mop the floor with her. All in all and everything considered she is a sad piece of humanity only some mentally challenged left winger would want for a president.
It was the Rose Law Firm billing records. They represented Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, owned by the McDougals, which was a partner in the Whitewater land deal. McDougal was convicted on 18 counts of fraud. HRC was ostensibly his defense attorney but this may have been part of a scheme to hide involvement under the lawyer-client privilege. McDougals held fundraisers to pay off Bill’s campaign debt in Arkansas. The billing records you refer to miraculously turned up in the White House the day after the statutes of limitations passed.
yes, the Rose Law Firm files...