To balance Lester Holt, Trump needs Sean Hannity.
The Stupid Party never learns.
Every election, the gop agrees to have liberal moderators at their debates. At least they didn’t agree to Megyn Kelly.
Losers all.
we could discuss all day long about who is the worst.
One moderator for the third debate? Chris Wallass?
That’s real fine list - of losers.
It’s all bad. Who agrees to these choices?
The usual gang of idiots.
Trump should boycott until the debates are moderated by non-partisan persons.
Lester Holt? Seriously ?
Illary might not be able to make the 2nd & 3rd debates! (Odds on whether they’ll be cancelled?) Or, will they have a poyty-toyty on stage for her? Will she stand? How long before the coughing fits start?
My candidate of choice in 2012 was Newt Gingrich, and I believe he would have refused to accept this lineup.
So, two girls on the second debate. Martha and Anderson, two liberal jerks and the GOP agrees to this shite :-(
Why oh why are these moderators not forced to have party registration indications so everyone knows their bias? The first question should be addressed to tbe moderators. Who did you vote for in the last 3 elections?
Quote from Elaine Quijano....
Its an honor to be chosen to help bring the issues of this critical election to the public, said Quijano.
Another liberal SJW “journalist” who plans to insert their opinions and views into the debate...
"Secretary Clinton - out of all the dessert recipes that were on your private server, which is your favorite, and why?"
Every one of them are Libs. Trump needs to protest and suggest replacements.
I wouldn’t meet with any of these liars.
Was Glenn Beck not available?