Most Hispanic immigrants 1st and 2nd generations understand what Trump is saying and support his common sense to immigration.....the organizations like La Raza or MEChA are for activists and anarchists...not hard working folks who still have self respect.
Look at the vote in Mexico and Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico currently has a Democrat Governor. But his predecessor was Republican. Historically 48% are consistently pro-statehood-R. 48% pro-Commonwealth-D. 2% are Socialist. 2% flipflop.
Mexico currently has a PRI-Chicago-style-Democrat President. But his immediate predecessor was a Santorum style social conservative. And before that a libertarian leaning PAN.
Unfortunately, the Mexican congress has a large number of 3rd party PRD-Socialists that vote with the PRI against the PAN Republicans.
Mexican Immigrants reflect Mexican politics. Some are PAN social conservative. Some are PAN libertarian. Some are Chicago Dems. Some are PRD wackos.
At times, I’ve obtained 100% Mexican vote for the most conservative anti=corruption slate. It was also 100% Central and South American for the most Conservative slate. But 1 Puerto Rican on welfare spoiled a 100% Hispanic vote for the most conservative slate.
It can be done. Despite all the ideology. Hispanics vote based on whom appears to be friendly and their friend.