Our media is concentrated in to few hands. Years ago I ran across a encyclopedia yearbook from right after WW II and saw an article that was worried about this problem because by the war’s end there were only 15 major news gathering companies and it was thought that opposing views were being snuffed out. Now our media is almost totally homogenized with only one view point. Just flip through the channels during the news hour and it’s almost the same story at the same time with the same take, only the readers are different.
When I was growing up in the 60s, NYC had many newspapers competing. We took the Journal American which probably was a conservative paper. What did I know? I was reading Blondie and Dagwood!
Not only that, but the New York Post and Daily News would switch back and forth between liberal and conservative. My family would stop one subscription and start on another. Quite common. Sadly, The News has become an illiterate piece of crap!