“Who needs charm with girls like these - all that’s required is a six pack of cheap beer.”
Just curious..Did you call the ODU Fraternity members sluts when they hung similar signs last year?
Or does the term “slut” only apply to females?
The concept of "slut" applies to both males and females, of course. The word is traditionally specific to females, however. History's a bitch, innit?
And of course, the guys were ugly, too. But I'm a sexist pig - I actually think it's more of a shame when a woman degrades herself, than when a man degrades himself. There's something extroverted about male energy that makes overextending somewhat expected, because the only way to get good is to practice, and the only way to practice is to go for it, and so young men are going to look like idiots a lot until they get it right.
But feminine energy is more introverted, and so to turn that natural tendency, even delicacy, away from the development of refinement, into some bar-hag feminism version of an adolescent male, especially while teaching young women that that is "empowerment" when it is actually the destruction of their inner power, and the creation of emotional dependency on feminist validation for their inherently shameful acts, is destructive to the maturation of a woman. In fact, it's how Hillary voters are made.
So, overall, in answer to your question... no.
I am a male slut and dang proud.
the term slut applies only to females.
the equivalent is “Male Whore”.