Except that the President is not elected in November.
The President is elected when the President of the Senate opens the electoral votes and counts them in the presence of the full (new) House and Senate, sitting in special Joint Session which will happen on January 3, 2017.
If, God forbid, more than 270 Electors for President are Democrats, then they can choose whoever they want, except (arguably) Barack Obama.
However, I am certain that 270 Electors for Vice President could elect Obama to that office, and if there is a plan, I presume that's what it is.
When BO’B first took office in 2009 “Folks” spoke of the time when the term would end, and the fact we would find difficulty in getting his skinny butt from that cushy chair in the oo. Seems more “folks” are beginning to realize the fact the Kenyan Klown has more than one way to ‘skin the cat’ in his plan to keep what he felt he has ‘earned’ What are “folks” to do other than say “I told you so”? WE knew who and what he was. WE saw thru him and realized what we had just seen. WTP, are the masses awakening to truths and common sense knowledge?