Previous polls had Clinton and Trump in the 40s...sometimes with 47% and 48%. Now they are in the 30s. The pollsters are feeling the crticism.
The reality is that many people are undecided.
Some undecided are never Hillary but don’t know if they can go from Trump.
Some undecided are never Trump but don’t know if they can go for Hillary.
Some are truly undecided.
From now to the first day of voting in October the fight is for these undecided.
Yes, can you believe that the voting is only 7 weeks away?
Previous polls had Clinton and Trump in the 40s...sometimes with 47% and 48%. Now they are in the 30s. The pollsters are feeling the crticism.
I had the same thought. Pollsters know we are onto them and somehow they think if they become more credible we will believe them.Not!