"I will never forget the look on the gatekeeper's face, at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, when I suggested, perhaps rather airily, that he skip some calendric prohibition and let me in anyway.
His expression, previously cordial and cold, became a mask; and the mask was saying that killing me, my wife, and my children was something for which he now had warrant."
NOTE---The most famous Islamic site in Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock (Qubbat as-Sakhrah). An impressive and beautiful edifice, the Dome of the Rock can be seen from all over Jerusalem. It is the crowning glory of the Haram es-Sharif ("Noble Sanctuary"), or Temple Mount.
“NOTE-—The most famous Islamic site in Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock (Qubbat as-Sakhrah).”
Note on the Note: the Dome of the Rock was built as a tourist attraction complete with the Mohammad Ascension legend and remained so until the Caliph’s Court got restless again and returned to Amman ...