And yet CNN has no problem showing Barney Frank, who had an “affair” with a 16 year old Congressional page.
CNN it doesn’t matter it will never make the Drudge Report.
If Donald Trump had rejected Mark Foley from a place of prominence, he would be excoriated as a homophobe. I reject any stories from the Clinton News Network as propaganda.
CNN doesn’t mind the sicko husband of Hillary’s lover Huma, the notorious Carlos Danger aka Weiner either.
And ran a gay prostitution ring out of his basement, IIRC. What about Hillary’s girlfriend’s husband?
Still, why does Trump keep doing and saying stupid crap? Does he really wanto win?
Saw a Hillary ad last night during the Olympics showing him on some late night talk show and the host asking about his clothing line being made in Bangladesh and China.
I haven’t seen any Trump ads.