Everyone I know is absolutely livid by this. What the hell can a person do? Nothing. That's what. Sit down, shut up and take a bite from the big ol $4!7 sandwich.
The ferrule gubbamint has too much power. Power to lock you up and or destroy your life via the IRS. We've been “lawed” into a corner. Patriotic Americans cannot gather and discuss anything...if they do, if their group has been infiltrated by the alphabets, you can be thrown in jail for conspiracy, sedition, threats/intimidation.
The illusion of freedom is what we live under. There are no more days of true freedom of speech and dissent. Don't believe it...go out to your favorite blog and start running your mouth. Depending on what you say, could have a couple of SUVs driving up in front of your house. The gubbamint monitors everything now days.
You’re right but don’t worry, as soon as we can call a “convention of states” and pass a few dozen new amendments all that will be corrected, don’t you know?