Too late. The narrative has been set by the democrats and their mediaPAC over the past several days. The only people who will get the rest of the story on Khan are Freepers and other high-information voters.
Not if Trump says; "Wait a minute" and proceeds to tell the truth about Con the MB agent.
And what about his son, how did he get killed...."friendly fire"?
Maybe for you, old...but for anyone under 50, the interwebs is a strange and wonderful place to debate -- to the minute -- hilariously bad news cycles gone awry.
The DC-NY cabal on Twitter were shook to their core that Khan scrubbed his PROFESSIONAL LEGAL website, containing his bio and his cv that he had attempted to pimp at the convention JUST 5 DAYS EARLIER.
This desperate news cycle is finished - the last gasp was real-time attempt at 3ET to spark something out of that fishwife carping at Pence, and 5 hours later - it is gone.
My advice, up your game - it is the best cure for 'concern'.