Don’t let the door hit you in the rear-end on the way out.
Twit , Jeb!’s policies ARE Obama’s policies .. That’s why Jeb! got clobbered.
Pure liberal trash.
Good riddance!
3. Bradshaw Started Working for the Bush Family on George H.W. Bushs Presidential Campaign
5. She Worked on Mitt Romneys 2008 Presidential Campaign & Haley Barbours Exploratory Committee
Cyndi Lauper’s ‘True Colors’ comes to mind for some reason....
Don’t let the door hit you in the @$$ on the way out......and take more uniparty republicans with you.
When maggots start to munch on a brain, behavior is altered
Cornel West is voting for Jill Stein..many Sanders supporters are voting for Trump..gee wonder why the media wont interview those folks/sarc
“”This election cycle is a test,” Bradshaw said. “As much as I don’t want another four years of [President Barack] Obama’s policies, I can’t look my children in the eye and tell them I voted for Donald Trump. I can’t tell them to love their neighbor and treat others the way they wanted to be treated, and then vote for Donald Trump. I won’t do it.””
No. Sally will keep her kids in private school while Hillary decimates the country and Sally’s kids opportunities. Sally will pay for her little snowflakes school, apartment and everything that comes with a white privileged child as Sally gets to retreat behind the gates of her private subdivision.
Looks like ESTABLISHMENT HILLARY had her operatives embedded in all the GOP campaigns. Top adviser? So how did THAT work out, Jeb?
See also:
First on CNN: Top Jeb Bush adviser leaves GOP, will vote for Clinton if Florida close
Donald Trump cannot be elected president
I heard that a lot over the primaries and it's a conviction that is ringing odder and odder as time goes by. Why the visceral rejection? You will note that Bradshaw trots out the customary vacuities - "Narcissist, misogynist, bigot" - with no specifics, as if we were supposed to be impressed by that at this late point. Sorry, dear, we're ankle-deep in slime and it just doesn't register anymore.
I'm beginning to enjoy the squeaking we're hearing from the ruling class. If Trump really were One Of Us to them, they wouldn't be squeaking.
Y A W N . . . . .
The arrogance of people! It has never occurred to me to hold a news conference to tell the world for whom I will be voting.
Watch this and you will see what we are really up against.
Stay with it, the second half describes now.
The great realignment of U.S. politics is fully underway. The road-map is this: Bigwig politicians, insiders of both parties, crony capitalists and the standard cadre of useful idiots on one side; Patriots and informed citizens on the other.
That should explain about the Bush Family...they have always been RATS...couldn’t run on the RAT ticket so they ran on the RINO ticket...makes perfect sense to me~~~
A 27th degree Establishment Republican!