This guy’s experience must be from 40+ years ago.
The reality today is that the Foodstamp users I see are immensely overweight, usually have lots of bling and nice sneakers, and also have quite nice cars - particularly the immigrant ones.
Well, when your used to living in a stable you can spend nearly all money on outward signs of affluence.
And covered in tattoos. I can not figure out where they get the money to get all the tattoos.
Yet the store customers were using cell phones. I wondered about that, too. The earliest date I can find on him is in the Marines in 2003. I'm assuming his grocery job was in high school or shortly after graduation. I know I'm always behind the times but my first pocket carrying sized cell phone wasn't bought until 2005. What year did people start gabbing on the cells at the grocery store?
My wife picked me up at the airport the other day in our ‘95 Camry.
A large family of Somali “refugees” picked up their two daughters in a huge, brand-new, premium SUV.