> Cruzs sarcastic remark toward the New York delegation was inappropriate...but it is unfortunate the crowd continued to react the way that it did
Overall he was giving a great speech. He simply chose to end it badly.
Cruz should have taken the YUGE hint that crowd was giving him and said the right thing for this moment in time for the sake of unity. The crowd was truly revved up enthusiastically anticipating it toward the end before the “endorse Trump” chants started. He had the momentum in that speech and he basically dropped the mic on that moment. I went back to watch this again, and I see the moment he strayed, and he had the momentum right there at that moment. He should have taken the hint from ‘the New York delegation’, and the rest of America in that hall who were trying to get him to the right place, but he mocked them instead. What a putz. That speech could have ended with a jubilant roar of approval and instead he settled for being bood off the stage. For the smartest guy ever, this guy just can’t take a *#&! hint.
Cruz should have taken the YUGE hint that crowd was giving him and said the right thing for this moment in time for the sake of unity.
Narcissists cannot take hints, or social cues.
In his own, twisted mind, he likely thought that audience was there for him....and were temporarily mistaken, once he (may have) picked up on their booing.
He’s a sick puppy. I feel sorry for his kids...and, maybe even a teensy bit sorry for Hidey.
Yes, but we can see from what he’s saying this morning that he was never going to endorse or support Trump.
Well I wasn’t arguing he didn’t deserve the reaction - what was unfortunate is that it allowed the press to make a huge story out of it and make that the story of the night vs. covering Pence’s speech.