Lots of it’s an act, of course, and the outrageousness is calculated and is the attraction. He understands the American constitution far better than most Americans. He understands politics. He understands how to break through and destroy the SJWs—something NO republican will even take on. That’s why he rags on fat people—it is simply a reaction to the “body image” idiots on campus, a crazy movement most of us don’t even know about, but which fits in with all the gender b.s.
While republican think tanks crank out white papers on the ruin of the American University, this guy actually goes there and takes them on. Yes, his mouth if filthy, but he is in a battleground that the geezers do not understand at all. (I’m a geezer, by the way). Desperate times, desperate measures. “Respectable conservatives” do not treat the turf he is fighting for. It’s an alley fight, and it’s dirty, and normal conservatives don’t stand a chance. So, I’ll take any fighter, filthy mouth or not.
I’m sorry, the ‘fat thing’ comes from his gay body obsessions, not some political point of view. I swear, none of you have ever known gay men long term from some of the comments I am reading here! It’s a problem among the red state conservatives that sometimes they don’t know the culture wars up front and personal.
It is one thing to admire Milo for certain important stances that he takes. But to jump on every outré idea he has is as lunatic as fat-shaming strangers.
Since you admire his stance so much, have you confronted any fat people recently? You know, gotten right up in their face as he advocates?
Finally someone who gets it. The church ladies and Moral Orals on this site who can't so much as type the word "damn" without replacing half the letters with *@, need to go crawl under their beds and go away. They are positively useless in any way in the battle for reclaiming our rights and liberties and taking our country back.