Hate to say it but the fast fall is all thanks to Comey.
I wonder if Comey’s actions were more an up yours to Lynch who may have told him to send it up here so we can decide not to prosecute. Given those orders and the history of FBI reports not having a recommendation go with them, I wonder if he figured he would go public with his non recommendation but lay out the actual indictment he believed was supported. Just a thought and probably wrong but such passive aggressive style is expected could be playing out here.
Yup...Comey helped a lot. And don’t forget.......
..... she started collapsing AFTER Boobamba flacked her on Air Force One......
The Royal Idiot even let her use the presidential dais in order to manipulate voters.
That dais ploy musta given voters the heebie jeebies.
I think the recent epidemic of police assassinations by black Muslims might have a "wee" bit to do with it.