The blacks wanting to kill whites who they don't know personally and have prejudged makes them extreme racists. They are too blinded by Obama and Soro's race war manipulation to see clearly. They are acting out on emotion alone just as Obama and Soros want them too. As pissed off at #BLM as I am with the MSM showing black youth gibsmedats zombies with idiotic looks on their faces screaming racial profanities speaking out just because they've been told to by a rich white Oz puppet master I do NOT want to start shooting them because I realize that the MSM is manipulating both sides to hate each other and that a House Divided is far easier to topple than united nation.
The MSM us playing both sides. Instead of being pissed off at each other for reasons that don't make any sense when you try to think rationally we need to take down the MSM who are the slaves of the puppet masters.
I refuse to hate black people I dont even know because the MSM tells me to.
Well said!