Damned unintelligible jackass!
This race war has been building up for the last few years and the hateful, evil, foreign exchange student that now squats on the oval office toilet has been fanning the flames with help from ignorant race pimps like Jesse Jackass’
This cancerous growth promised to fundamentally change America and he has succeeded. I predict many, many more deaths as a result of negro-Muslim conflict with the rest of us. The negroes are allying themselves with the Muslims as ignorant converts to something they are too damned stupid to understand.
What Obama’s administration (composed largely of negroes, left-wing whack jobs, perverts and other assorted numbskulls) has accomplished will set the negro race back to pre-1960’s status. They may never recover and their numbers will be decimated by their own intermural murders and a few vigilantes.
America’s future is nothing but bleak and extremely dangerous and this is what this perverted president will leave as his legacy.
We can only pray that President Trump will, with the help of some excellent Conservative advisers and appointees, be successful in putting this derailed nation back on track!
Jackson and Obama are just tools of a media that portrays every thug as an innocent victim.