Not really.
There was John List, a New Jersey homeowner who murdered his mother, his wife, and their three children in November 1971.
He lived on the lam for 18 years, finally apprehended in 1989. Died in 2008 at the age of 82.
I guess when I said “Prominent” I meant during the new 24/7 news cycle we have, even in 1995.
Susan Smith drowned two sons by pushing them in a car into a lake. But wasn’t there another gal, and supposedly a straight arrow Christian (if a little weird) who drowned her children in a bathtub?
I remember an incident from the 50s where a mother put her baby into an oven. To this day the idea of still shocks me. Kind of like the first time I saw a film where a woman was killed, it’s just wrong.