There’s no exoneration coming since the NSA disclosed Hillary had classified on her private server. That’s an open and shut case. The thing about it was OK as long as no one else saw it is BS. Hillary’s probably looking at thousands of felony counts.
Obama will have to pardon her. To do that she’ll have to bow out of the race. Her chances are nil either way.
The fact the NYT broke the story about Lynch is a sign to the media poodles, the game is over. Hillary is toast.
You are assuming equal treatment under the law. That has not been the case for the Clintons who have not been held accountable for their actions. I provided two scenarios, one being Hillary being held accountable for her crimes or that she will be given a pass using her subordinates as scapegoats.
It is an open and shut case for anyone else and that judgment would have been rendered a long time ago. We must rely on the integrity of Comey and the career bureaucrats at the FBI. Given what happened in the cases of the IRS, Fast and Furious, the slow-walking of the release of documents from the State Department along with a cover-up of the existence of Hillary's private server, etc. my confidence in the career bureaucracy is in serious decline. I say that as someone who worked for 36 years in the federal government. The Holder/Lynch DOJ is the most partisan and corrupt government agency in history.
The fact the NYT broke the story about Lynch is a sign to the media poodles, the game is over. Hillary is toast.
Or we are being manipulated by the storytelling Obama administration (Ben Rhodes), which is foisting a charade on us. Lynch gives the illusion that the cover-up and exoneration of Hillary is a decision made by the bureaucracy. There are no fingerprints leading back to Obama. There is no doubt in my mind that Lynch knows what decision has been made by the FBI. DOJ officials have been working closely with the FBI on the interviews and gathering of evidence.
The game isn't over until the fat lady sings. Hillary is not toast yet. We will see what happens. The integrity of our judicial system is facing the acid test. I am not sure that the FBI can meet that test. After all, they have been implementing the Obama use of political correctness by failing to utter radical Islamic terrorism. The FBI has expunged Islam from its training materials. They have failed to go after Lois Lerner.