It is against federal law for Lynch to meet with Bill Clinton as his spouse is under a criminal investigation. Getting caught by local ABC reporters could have been unintentional or purposeful.
I do not believe they screwed up. I believe it was purposeful.
Unless Hillary does a perp walk tomorrow in DC, I will stick with the conspiracy theory: Meeting with Bill Clinton was message to career FBI & DOJ personnel. No future for you in government if you indict Hillary.
Unsurvivable level of corruption in the government.
If Hillary does not need to answer to the rule of law why does any citizen need to?
It is very true what you are saying about the illegality of Bubba-Lynch. It was also purposeful that they met. It was also purposeful that they got caught but not on their own accord. They also have very powerful enemies too. You are almost there. Think outside the box a little bit and think more over your conclusions and you will see it.