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What I Think Bill Told Loretta
Rush ^ | June 30, 2016 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 06/30/2016 12:49:29 PM PDT by Kaslin


RUSH: Well, we're gonna kick off today with competing polling data. We have a surprise visit by Bill Clinton to the attorney general in a private plane on the tarmac at Phoenix. If it hadn't been for a local Phoenix ABC affiliate, we wouldn't know that it had happened. We got Obama going off on Trump in a rant supposedly against populism and so forth. And Jake Tapper, CNN, actually described it as Trump living rent free in Obama's head.

So yet again, ladies and gentlemen, another unique usage of language started on this program finding its way into the general lexicon in the United States. Of course the first noted example of that was the word "feminazi," which is now everywhere, started by this program back in 1988.

Anyway, great to have you with us, folks, as we march on. Another three hours of broadcast excellence here. The telephone number if you want to be on the program is 800-282-2882, and the email address,

In the old days we call them lighthearted stories that we would laugh about. Today, we don't laugh anymore. I mean, we do, but at the same time we realize that not everybody else is. It's probably got a little bit more substance to it than we would otherwise think. But it's nevertheless encouraging. I'll leave you to ponder what that might be. Get to it here in just a second.

But first off: "Amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of email and hours before the public release of the Benghazi report, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton. The private meeting took place on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport on board a parked private plane," that was being used by Loretta Lynch and her husband. They're traveling around doing appearances on how the Justice Department's taking over local police departments.

Now, neither Clinton nor Loretta Lynch actually arrived in Phoenix on that plane. Did you know that? You didn't know that? The plane on which they met is not the plane either of them used to get there. It looks like somebody put that plane there so nobody would see the meeting. And again, as I say, if it weren't for this local ABC affiliate, for some reason had a camera crew out at Sky Harbor, we wouldn't know that this meeting had taken place.

The national Drive-Bys were nowhere near, even though Loretta Lynch is the attorney general. You would think that there is a body watch on her, a media body watch. I mean, you know what those are, right? The media, there's constantly somebody watching public figures in case something extraordinary happens. It's just a fact of media life. And I would think that she rates a body watch. Maybe she doesn't. Apparently not, because there weren't any Drive-Bys there.

We don't know whose airplane it was. It could be that she gets a private plane. She could get a government plane to fly to Phoenix if she's on government business. It depends on the fleet, depends on what's available. And we do know that she was flying around meeting with various local police departments as the federal government establishes, quote, unquote, guidelines for local police departments, which is nothing more than actually a takeover.

Now, here's what we are told this was all about. For some reason, former President Clinton was visiting the Phoenix area. We don't know why. He just happened to be there. The story is that he was playing golf in Phoenix. It's 108 degrees, Bill Clinton playing golf in Phoenix. Somebody who has had serious heart surgery. It sounds to me like a bit of a stretch but we'll go with it because that's what is being reported here by the local ABC affiliate, KNXV in Phoenix.

Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton meet in Phoenix

So the story is this. Clinton was visiting the Phoenix area, arrived at Sky Harbor Airport Monday evening to leave. This is what it says next. "Sources tell ABC15 Clinton was notified Lynch would be arriving at the airport soon and waited for her arrival."

What I like to do is actually envision this. Here's Clinton, he's played golf, done whatever he's done in Phoenix, on the way to the airport to leave. I don't know how he travels, but he's probably got a Secret Service contingent. That means they're in a series of SUVs, one or two of them. And somehow, on the way or after he arrives, somebody says, "Hey, Slick Willie, guess who's coming in here in 10 minutes or so, guess who's landing, Loretta Lynch."

(Clinton impression) "Hey, is that right? Oh, Loretta's coming in? Well, you know what, let's delay our departure. Let me just go over and say hi." Really? So Clinton just happens to be told that Loretta Lynch is arriving soon when he just happens to be arriving to depart at Sky Harbor International Airport.

"Lynch was arriving in Phoenix for a planned visit as part of her national tour to promote community policing," which again is Obama taking over police departments. "The private meeting comes as Lynch's office is in charge of the ongoing investigation and potential charges involving Clinton's email server." That would be Hillary Clinton's email server, she the spouse of the aforementioned Bill Clinton.

"The private meeting also occurred hours before the Benghazi report was released publicly involving Hillary Clinton and President Obama's administration. Lynch said the private meeting on the tarmac did not involve these topics." Do you know what Lynch said they talked about? Loretta Lynch, attorney general, arriving in Phoenix to help take over the Phoenix police department and no doubt probably the sheriff's department, too, get Joe Arpaio out of the way, showing up there, all of a sudden is told Bill Clinton is arriving soon and wants to have a meeting with you.

So they find a vacant plane on the tarmac, and Loretta Lynch goes there, Clinton, after having been told Loretta Lynch has just arrived or soon arriving, goes to this tarmac, no doubt at general aviation, gets on board the plane. Loretta Lynch says their conversation was a great deal about grandchildren, it was primarily social, about their travels. She said the president mentioned that he played golf in Phoenix. And Loretta Lynch admitted all this on Tuesday afternoon while speaking at the Phoenix police department.

So we are supposed to believe here that Bill Clinton, a 70-year-old man with a history of heart trouble played golf in Phoenix where it was 108, 110 degrees, maybe he played on Sunday when it was 108, I don't know. And then he's on the way to the airport to leave, is told that Loretta Lynch, the attorney general, is soon due to arrive, delays his departure, goes to a vacant private jet on the tarmac where she happens to be. He delays his departure to go have the meeting at which they discuss their grandchildren and their travels.

(Clinton impression) "Hey, Loretta, you know, I heard you were here, and I just wanted to come say hi before I left. You know what? Got a grandkid coming. Do you have any grandkids, Loretta?"

"Yes, Mr. President."

"Aren't they great? That's the greatest thing in the world. I'm glad I caught you. I'm glad I found you before you left so I could talk about our grandchildren with you. I've been playing golf here in Phoenix. What are you gonna be doing? Is that right? You're over here to take over the police department. Good for you. Hey, good seeing you. I'm glad you waited for me, have this little meeting about our grandkids before you leave. Hope you have a great visit, whatever you do, and I'll check you later," and he leaves.

I try to envision that and it just doesn't work for me. It just doesn't work for me.

So what else might have been going on at this meeting? Well, let us continue here with a story from ABC Phoenix affiliate, KNXV.

"Sources say the private meeting at the airport lasted around 30 minutes." Okay, how many grandkids does Clinton have? Chelsea's got two now? Okay. So how many minutes per grandchild do you discuss with the attorney general? How many grandchildren does she have? Let's say she's got four, just for the heck of it, pick a number, six grandkids, 30 minutes, basically five minutes per grandchild. And maybe three minutes because you'd have to have some discussion about mutual travel, you know, how was the trip into Phoenix. She would report. He would describe what it was like playing golf in this oppressive heat and how happy he was to be getting out of there and back to where he was going, and then he's off.

And then this express item. "There was no discussion on any matter pending before the Department," or anything having to do with Hillary Clinton's emails or anything related to it. Nothing like that happened. That just doesn't work for me. Let me propose an alternative. Let me run something by you and see what you think of this.

Let's take elements of this story, and let's believe them. Let's say that Bill Clinton was -- well, we know he was in Phoenix. Let's say he was leaving, he was on the way to the airport, and it's not beyond the realm of possibility, he's told that Loretta Lynch is gonna be arriving soon at the same airport where he's gonna be leaving. So Clinton decides, "You know what? I want to have a talk with this woman. I want to meet her, and what a great time, nobody knows that I'm here, and nobody knows that she's here."

So a meeting is hastily arranged on a private jet, passenger compartment on the tarmac at Sky Harbor. Now, for those of you think, wouldn't it be hot in there? No, no. All they have to do is fire up the auxiliary power unit, the APU, and they can get AC blowing in the plane. No, it would not be a sweat box. They could do this without starting the engines. Perfectly fine to do. So don't factor that in.

Somehow they tell Loretta Lynch that Bill Clinton is in town on the way to the airport, wants to meet her. She has two options. She could blow it off or say, "Oh, okay." She takes the meeting. Again, we wouldn't know this happened -- this is a crucial point -- we would not know this happened were it not for this ABC affiliate in Phoenix. The Drive-Bys haven't told us a word about it.

What about this possibility. Clinton hears that she's there, demands a meeting, it gets set up, he boards plane, she's there, and he says something along the lines of: (Clinton impression) "Madam Attorney General, how you doing? It's such a honor to meet you. You are doing such a great job. You know, I was one of the people that told Barack Obama to put you in this job. I've been one of your champions for I can't tell you how long.

"Let me tell you how things are gonna go from here on out. If you want to keep this job, if you want to keep your reputation, because remember, don't forget what I told Ted Kennedy way back in 2008. It wasn't that long ago that Barack Obama would be serving us our cocktails, be serving us our coffee. It wasn't that long ago, and he got mad at it, Loretta. But I'm telling you, things haven't changed, it's still that way, and if you want to keep it that way, you know this email thing? It doesn't exist. Just broom it, Loretta. Just forget about it. Ain't nothing there.

"Nothing to see. Tell Comey. No matter what he wants, you don't have any evidence. That's it. It's been great seeing you. It was fun playing golf. I hope your grandkids are doing great. I hope you have a great time taking over the Phoenix Police Department. I gotta go. Don't forget what I told you, Loretta. And remember who put you here. Remember how you got here. And remember how easy Loretta it would be to send you somewhere else."


RUSH: Okay. Okay. If you have doubts about that, let's give 'em both the benefit of the doubt for a moment, even though I know this isn't true, but let's just say that Lynch and Clinton are both telling the truth and the whole thing is just happenstance and it was a wonderful meeting of two former colleagues. Isn't having a friendly chat for 30 minutes, once it's been discovered, isn't is that bound to influence her decisions on Hillary and the FBI investigation?

Isn't this what we might call an appearance of impropriety? Isn't it what the left might call an appearance of impropriety? Isn't this one of those circumstances where the left would say, "No, no, no, it's about the seriousness of the charge. The nature of the evidence is irrelevant. It's the seriousness of the charge." And I don't believe that. I think this thing was set up long ago. I don't think this was happenstance at all, ladies and gentlemen.

Things like this just don't happen. And if you think that I'm stretching when I say that Clinton would go in there and remind her who put her there, you people may not remember this. Who do you think it was that appointed Loretta Lynch to be the US attorney for the Eastern District of New York? It's a plum assignment. The Southern District is big because that's Manhattan. But the Eastern District of New York, that's Long Island. That's Brooklyn, Long Island, that's no slouch district. Bill Clinton appointed Loretta Lynch to be US attorney, Eastern District, New York, when he was president.

So, when Bill Clinton gets on board the private plane with Loretta Lynch (Clinton impression), "Hey, hey, hey, hey, Loretta, I'm sure you remember how you got this job. I'm sure you can put two and two together. I'm sure you can realize that you are the AG because I made you a federal judge, and before that nobody had ever heard of you except the Congressional Black Caucasians. I took their recommendation, and now look where we are."

And again, folks, I want to remind you, we wouldn't know about this were it not for a local Phoenix affiliate. That's not an insignificant thing. The Drive-Bys were nowhere near this. And even if the Drive-Bys had gotten wind of it, do you think they would have reported it complete with photos like the ABC affiliate in Phoenix did? Doubtful.

Now some people are suggesting Loretta Lynch may have to recuse herself. (laughing) That makes me laugh. If that were to happen, there's not a single Democrat judge on the Supreme Court that could hear any case. They're all compromised. They don't recuse themselves. It's the exact opposite. They are there to make sure that whatever needs to happen can happen. If it's corrupt, if it's on the edges of the law, fine and dandy, because the advancement of the agenda and the protection of the players -- in this case, Hillary Clinton -- trumps everything.

I mean, Eric Holder, this guy, he should have recused himself from Ferguson; he should have recused himself from half the cases 'cause he's out there prejudging everything and tainting the jury pool in every instance where there was a jury trial. He didn't recuse himself. It's laughable that she would have to recuse herself. That would never happen. That's the exact reason why she's there, in fact. But if she did recuse herself, that would open it up for Comey. But if she recused herself there would be somebody else in there next in line, you know, next person steps up and it would be the same old thing.


RUSH: Now I got this story from Politico, and I don't believe this either. "Democrats Groan After Bill Clinton Meets Loretta Lynch -- The private meeting rekindles concerns about a possible conflict of interest while his wife is under federal investigation. Lynch said she and Clinton talked only of grandchildren, golf, and their respective travels." What an absolute -- does anybody believe this? Of course we don't. But now we're told that the Democrats are struggling. There's a struggle here about the possible conflict of interest.

They're not struggling with anything. The only thing they're worried about here is that people found out about this. And, by the way, Loretta Lynch says all they talked about was their grandchildren? Well, how would that manifest itself? Well, here's an idea. "Ms. Lynch, you say that you and the president only talked about your grandchildren. What did the president say to you?" (imitating Lynch) "He asked me explicitly not to indict Chelsea's baby's grandmother. That's how we talked about our grandchildren."


RUSH: John in Hilliard, Ohio. You're next and first. Great to have you, sir. Hi.

CALLER: Good afternoon, Rush. It's an honor to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you. Thank you.

CALLER: I have an alternative theory on the meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. My thought is that it may have been -- I mean, your theory I think is credible, but it could have been also what I would call a courtesy call, and the courtesy call could have been for one of two things. One, it could have been, "Hey, Mr. President, Hillary needs to come in and talk to us, because, from what I've read in the news, she's been avoiding going in for any kind of an interview." The second alternative may have actually been to say, "Mr. President, we hate to inform you of this, but your wife is gonna be indicted."

RUSH: Okay. Now, I understand how a theory like that would originate. You're a man of honor. You're a man of great decency. Obviously a constitutionalist and law-abiding. And you also are a man of sensibilities and propriety, and you would think that would be a fair and very proper thing for two colleagues who know each other with mutual respect, that if that indictment that you suggested about to happen, that she would, as a courtesy, give him, as the husband, a heads-up.

It also indicates that -- how would I say this? I don't want to make it personal here, but your theory, which is much preferable, I mean, I would applaud something like that. I think it is naive and illustrates a gross misunderstanding of how the Democrat Party functions. If what you say is true, if Loretta Lynch finds out Clinton's gonna be in town, you know what? Perfect time for the courtesy call. Terfect time for me to tell him that the gig is up on his wife and we're gonna hand down the indictment.

He gets on a plane and she tells him. (imitating Lynch) "Hi, Mr. President. I know you appointed me to the federal bench. I know I wouldn't be the attorney general if it weren't for you. But I have to tell you, we've got the goods. Your wife subjected this country to national security threats and violations. Our enemies have everything that was on her server. I've got no choice. She's going to be indicted. We don't know when, but I think you deserve a heads-up."

So what does Bill Clinton do? (Clinton impression) "Hey, hey, Loretta, I'm glad you made me detour my departure. Appreciate that heads up. I know you're doing a great job, and this is proof of how great a job you're doing." Or, would it be, "Loretta, you really want to think about this. You better remember Bob Torricelli, remember Andrew Cuomo. There's a whole bunch of examples I could give you, Loretta. People you know, people that used to be alive and breathing and big in politics, you can't find 'em now, Loretta. And, Loretta, don't make light of the fact I appointed you AG of the Eastern District. If I hadn't done that you'd be nothing different than the guy serving Ted Kennedy and me my coffee back in South Carolina."


RUSH: What is the point of having power and not using it? What's the point of having power and allowing your opposition to get rid of your presidential nominee? Come on, folks, it ain't ever gonna happen here.


RUSH: This is Leanne driving through Michigan. Great to have you, Leanne. Welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, how are you?

RUSH: Fine and dandy. How are you?


CALLER: Good. Listen, I have a little bit of a different scenario about Loretta and Bill, and I think the conversation may have gone something like this. "Hey, Loretta, you know, I know you really love your grandchildren, right, Loretta? And we want our grandchildren to have a good world to grow up in and, you know, we want them to have opportunities just like we had, right, Loretta?"

RUSH: You think that President Clinton might have attempted to scare the attorney general about her grandchildren's future?

CALLER: Well, you know, I didn't hear anything in that conversation other than about the grandchildren, did you?

RUSH: The grandchildren and their travels, such as she taking over police departments and him playing golf. Those were the three things mentioned. The grandchildren was the big one.

CALLER: Grandchildren's future and, you know, how they may grow up in the next 20 years and what political opportunities they may have in the future.

RUSH: Well, look, I understand the way you're thinking. I mean, here you have Bill Clinton, who appointed this woman to the federal bench in the Eastern District of New York. She's now the attorney general. And he finds himself in Phoenix and just happens to find out that she's there, they arrange a meeting, and they talk about the grandchildren. And you're extrapolating here to think that what could there possibly be about grandchildren that's a subject matter unless Bill wanted to talk about futures and how they could be bleak or rosy, and it's all up to her, that kind of thing.

CALLER: Well, you know, all of this is about the future and what our future -- mine, his, yours, our grandchildren's future --

RUSH: True.

CALLER: -- might look like.

RUSH: It really is. All of this is exactly about that.

CALLER: I like what the gentleman before me said, but I think that's a throwback from 40 years ago and --

RUSH: Exactly, exactly, exactly. That is when we actually had a Democrat Party that your parents or grandparents would be familiar with and would recognize, but we don't anymore.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: Now, if your theory -- let's just take this one step further. If your theory is the right one, let's say, then part and parcel of it is that Bill Clinton would have to be thinking she would indict his wife.

CALLER: You know, he's a smart man. I don't think he's quite as overt as some people might think he would be.

RUSH: Yeah. I know. My point is that, why would he be thinking Loretta Lynch would do anything to cross him? Why would he even consider that she could possibly -- I mean, we're talking the Democrat Party here. We're talking the presidential nominee of the Democrat Party. Why would Bill Clinton be thinking that it's even remotely possible his wife would be indicted, necessitating this conversation with her?

CALLER: Well, sometimes the truth runneth over. I don't know --

RUSH: No. I'll tell you why. I'll answer my own pregunta. If Bill Clinton is thinking it's a possibility, then there's more than smoke here. I realize all of this is hypothetical, we don't know, we're all guessing here, but we are using intelligence guided by experience. Bill Clinton's a known quantity. Hillary Clinton's a known quantity. We know how they look at the judiciary. We know how they look at power. We know how they've used it in the past. We know that the last thing in the world anybody wants or expects is Mrs. Clinton to be indicted, but if Clinton thinks that it's possible, then there has to be a reason for it.


If he's out there thinking she could be indicted and it's crazy close enough, that he's gotta go talk to the AG about it, then there's probably a whole bunch of reasons or validity for indicting her, which would be tantamount to being included in your theory. If Clinton's running around thinking, "She didn't do nothing wrong. Hell, she hasn't done nothing anybody else hasn't done. This is crazy. This is all ginned up by the vast right-wing conspiracy," he would be thinking Loretta Lynch is thinking the same thing, there's no way there's ever gonna be an indictment, but he's gonna go talk to her, thinking that there could be an indictment that must mean that his wife's done something that could justify an indictment. That's what I'm saying.

I think we all know there's been enough, even if there is no investigation. What we've learned about these emails and how she's dealt with 'em and how she's lied about it and how the guy who set up her server has taken the Fifth Amendment 125 times in a deposition, after having been granted immunity. We've had hackers claiming that they have hacked into the server and they've got evidence. Huma Abedin -- I haven't got to this yet, but Huma, Mrs. Carlos Danger, she unloaded the other day. She made it clear here that Hillary was asking people how to set up a server so that what she was working on would not be part of the State Department record.

Hillary didn't know how to do it. She was asking around how this could be done. We also know who we're talking about here. The Clintons. We know that there's no such thing as transparency with these people. So now you add what we instinctively already know, intelligence guided by experience, with various expert opinion like Joe diGenova, who's got contacts in the FBI. He says the evidence is overwhelming, that there will be an indictment, diGenova's been out there saying this for months. We've heard what a straight-up law-and-order guy James Comey is, that he can't be talked out of it, can't be compromised, can't be interrupted, and yet there's been nothing happen.


KEYWORDS: bhodoj; billclinton; crime; hillary; hillarycriminalprobe; lynch; lynchclintonmeeting; rush; rushlive; rushtranscript; slickwillie; x42
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To: Gay State Conservative

It seems to me that it would have been Loretta who arranged the meeting, not Bill. She probably got some info. as to what the FBI has learned that she thought Hillary should know about.

21 posted on 06/30/2016 1:38:52 PM PDT by CivilWarBrewing (Females DESTROYED America.)
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To: CivilWarBrewing
It seems to me that it would have been Loretta who arranged the meeting, not Bill. She probably got some info. as to what the FBI has learned that she thought Hillary should know about.

Something along those lines is distinctly possible.But I think that despite how it might seem BillyBob and The Former Twelfth Lady hold the real power here and that,therefore,it was probably them that demanded the meeting.But regardless of who called the meeting anyone who believes the "grandchildren" story had better rethink their position on the Easter Bunny.

22 posted on 06/30/2016 1:44:30 PM PDT by Gay State Conservative (Obamanomics:Trickle Up Poverty)
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To: jobim

I don’t usually read these Rush transcripts very closely, but just have scanned through this one, and think it is very much worth reading. At least a few chuckles, and interesting alternate theories suggested.

23 posted on 06/30/2016 1:45:10 PM PDT by NEMDF
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At least a few chuckles, and interesting alternate theories suggested.

I'm not sure that Rush was trying for any laughs here.And his having mentioned it at length gives Trump...and opening to start chanting "WHAT THE BEEP?"

24 posted on 06/30/2016 1:48:50 PM PDT by Gay State Conservative (Obamanomics:Trickle Up Poverty)
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To: Gay State Conservative

But it seems that the female Hillary voters care only about the fact that Hillary has a vagina. HER CORRUPTION, CRIMES, POSITIONS OR PLATFORM MATTER NOTHING TO THEM. Flashback to 2008.

25 posted on 06/30/2016 1:54:22 PM PDT by CivilWarBrewing (Females DESTROYED America.)
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To: Kaslin

I’m betting Bill shows her a piece of paper with the words typed; “25 million if you make it all go away (wink, wink).” Then he takes the paper back and says, “Hey let’s talk about my grandkids for a minute.” So now she and bill can say, “We never TALKED about anything except Bill’s grandkids.”

26 posted on 06/30/2016 1:55:54 PM PDT by MrMarbles
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To: Kaslin

> Now, neither Clinton nor Loretta Lynch actually arrived in Phoenix on that plane. Did you know that? You didn’t know that? The plane on which they met is not the plane either of them used to get there. It looks like somebody put that plane there so nobody would see the meeting.

We need the tail number.

27 posted on 06/30/2016 1:56:32 PM PDT by Ray76 (The evil effect of Obergefell is to deprive the people of rule of law & subject us to tyranny!)
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To: CivilWarBrewing
What do you mean LYIN' LORETTA LYNCH?

She isn't the only liberal who lies.

They all do.

28 posted on 06/30/2016 2:12:08 PM PDT by Kaslin (He needed the ignorant to reelect him. He got them and now we have to pay the consequences)
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To: hsmomx3

Me to Loved Terry Reeds book the older it gets the more believable it is

29 posted on 06/30/2016 2:17:46 PM PDT by al baby (Hi Mom yes I know john 3:16)
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To: rockrr

She doesn’t even have any grandkids!

30 posted on 06/30/2016 2:24:52 PM PDT by demkicker (My passion for freedom is stronger than that of Democrats whose obsession is to enslave me.)
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To: Ray76

The photos of the airplane are being kept with the photos taken inside the Orlando Pulse Club shootout.

31 posted on 06/30/2016 2:30:13 PM PDT by UCANSEE2 (Lost my tagline on Flight MH370. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
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To: Kaslin

Loretta Lynch intentionally makeups to look like the cop captain on law and order. We already know it’s about acting and lying.

She is acting, so she will lie.

To get these appointments, the person MUST give up totally ruinous information on themselves. Lynch doesn’t need to reminded that since Clinton appointed her that Clinton also has the goods on her.

Therefore, in this meeting Clinton wasn’t threatening, because that threat has been understood all along. Bill was giving directions for however they are going to play this game.

Since Obama appointed Comey, it is clear that Obama has Comey’s number. Does Obama like Hillary? Not a lot. Comey has been holding back and probably at Obama’s request until Obama gets something he wants out of Hillary.

Hillary is not yet giving it up, and that’s why Comey is holding out for Obama. What happened was a meeting on the outworkings of a transaction between someone Clinton has something on and Obama also has something on over a man that Obama and the Bushes have something on.

My sense is that they want Comey to delay any submission of findings until after the election, they want a pardon if it’s bad and they lose, and they want silence if they win and make it go away.

Obama probably wants to pick the VP. My guess would be a socialist like himself, and that would be either Warren or Mooch.

32 posted on 06/30/2016 2:40:47 PM PDT by xzins ( Free Republic Gives YOU a voice heard around the globe. Support the Freepathon!)
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To: 1Old Pro

“Bill wanted to look her in the eyes, otherwise they could have done this on a private call.”

Any number of ways that can be done online nowadays. I saw videophones demonstrated at the NY World’s Fair in 1964.

I think he wanted to put the whammy on Lynch & that can only be done eyeball to eyeball.

33 posted on 06/30/2016 2:51:41 PM PDT by elcid1970 ("The Second Amendment is more important than Islam. Buy ammo.")
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To: xzins

Off course she does lie. What liberal doesn’t?

34 posted on 06/30/2016 2:52:20 PM PDT by Kaslin (He needed the ignorant to reelect him. He got them and now we have to pay the consequences)
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To: Kaslin

My suspicious nature tells me that most like it was a well timed meeting, most likely by one side, to issue a warning, a threat or a payoff. Then again what the heck to I know, I wasn’t there, I have a suspicious nature though I know if it walks and talks like a duck, most likely it is a duck.

35 posted on 06/30/2016 2:52:41 PM PDT by This I Wonder32460 (To know & understand islam ask yourself: "What would Mohammed do?" The answer will scare you.)
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To: demkicker

Her husband has two kids from a previous marriage. Lynch and her husband have been married since 2007

36 posted on 06/30/2016 3:02:02 PM PDT by Kaslin (He needed the ignorant to reelect him. He got them and now we have to pay the consequences)
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To: jobim

Bill gave Loretta some options:
Indict: When weighing the evidence, remember it’s not just about what we’ll do to you. Grandchildren are so fragile.
Obstruct justice: High paid job with the Clinton crime family.

37 posted on 06/30/2016 3:19:21 PM PDT by Chewbarkah
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To: Kaslin

I really feel that this goes beyond Lynch and reaches all the way to Hussein. Whatever deals, threats, promises were dangled by or from either side imho Lynch is just a conduit back to Hussein.

38 posted on 06/30/2016 3:26:43 PM PDT by 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten
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To: minnesota_bound

Lynch shields Clinton foundation? As in the evidence in the emails the FBI is investigating?

Isn’t the timing really bad here for the conspirators?

27 months?

Long after the election, and during which time President Hilldabeast could continue to destroy evidence??

What is the FBI waiting for? I’m thinking the target isn’t just Hillary, but the whole administration; the target is too big to bring down,,,” too big to fail”,,, a veritable David and Golliath situation without the slingshot.

The left isn’t even trying to appear ethical any more.

39 posted on 06/30/2016 3:34:34 PM PDT by Wildbill22 ( They have us surrounded again, the poor bastards- Gen Creighton William Abrams)
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To: 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten

You beat me to it.

It involves the whole administration.

40 posted on 06/30/2016 3:35:25 PM PDT by Wildbill22 ( They have us surrounded again, the poor bastards- Gen Creighton William Abrams)
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