I’m really liking Nigil Farage - head of the UKIP party. The guy calls it like it is!
Another refreshingly open commentator - Joseph Paul Watson, commenting on the Brexit vote:
He has opinions about everything and calls it as he sees it!
Trump is another who is refreshingly honest - albeit with less finesse. He’s starting to be a little more polished and knowledgeable in his speeches though.
These guys have all thrown political correctness aside. I hope more follow suit. PC is killing us.
I’m becoming a big Farage fan, too. He’s very articulate but down to earth as well.
I like Paul Joseph Watson, but am a little uncomfortable that he works for Alex Jones, who’s still a kook. The latter was on with Stefan Moleneaux(sp?), whom I like, but when Alex started in with his 911-truther nonsense I shut it off.