The problem is unless you are a ginn=barack hussein obama soetoro,and 1/6 black,1/6 white,3/4 asian,a congential liar have an excellent radio voice and entire lying political party behind you as their next saviour it’s hard to win against the status quo.
I’ve been, as have many of you I suspect, following this Brexit thing and while I am a political junkee I admit to being confused.
I wish I understood how these trade partnerships work. Best I figure, this EU had all the big decisions being made in Brussels and the Brits, God bless, just didn’t like it.
The vote was a slap in the face of the elite bureaucrats as I ascertain and folks, nothing in the world more stifling to freedom than a bureaucrat.
Because they are not elected.
Anyway, will watch the talk shows today that I better understand it all.
Shall I repeat my self again? David Brat!
The model works. Trump, and anybody like him, outside of the status quo have the edge this time around. Why do you think that Trump so soundly beat Rubio in the Presidential Primary here?
What worked in the past is just that, the past, Just ask Cantor, Boehnor (who already knew he was out—all-race-replace-boehner-underway/81633994/ ) and soon hopefully to be Ryan joining the club of has-been’s. BRexit just reinforced it, even outside of our country.
Have you seen any of Beruff’s commercials? Being a Floridian and it looks like Broward, you would have had to unless you watch nothing at all.