Asked if he is doing this (running) for his brand. No. Politics is 51 for and 49 against. In business, more people like you. For his brand, running for office has not been a good thing, see Macy's.
Putin and Trump are chief beneficiaries (press said benefactor, which is the giver not the recipient) of Brexit. Maybe, he says. But really this is about the people.
On meeting with Cameron - Cameron was negotiating to meet with me, but right now I don't think he wants to meet with anybody.
Your extreme rhetoric like building a wall and baning muslims - well, obviously it resonates becaue I have tremendous backing and support. Katy again says his rhetoric is extreme, he disagrees. In the US, the people want their country back, they wwant samrt decisions., We've been given dumb decisions for many years, and the people are tired of that.
Speech and Q&A over.
thank you for the details - I slept in after staying up for the vote.