Gen.Blather wrote:"... People stuck with Euros will be hurting as there is nothing to back the currency...."
A family member traveled to Europe last month and spent some time in Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Hungary and London. Each country continue to use their own currency or credit cards. The Euro was not used much at all.
Here is a pretty complete story on currency, who uses what. Regardless, people holding Eros may be hurting. There are billions of them out there. (On the humorous side, the EU created very high denomination bills so that drug lords could hold them. Currency that is not in circulation is the same as an interest free loan for that amount. They have since changed that because, horrors! the currency is being held by drug lords!)
Of those countries only Italy uses the Euro.
I assure you that they and the other 18 countries in the Eurozone use the Euro exclusively.
Did not hear that the lira came back to Italy.