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To: Yaelle
I'm not familiar with any here although I am a very short distance as the crow flies from the local Islamic Center which was recently built and big. They seem to live in an upscale part of a suburb. Some of the men may be professionals like engineers. My daughter sees a lot of them picking up their kids at one of the best public schools.

They can't all be professionals. Some probably start successful businesses and have the advantage if they don't drink and do drugs. And have the brains and qualifications.

Well, envy of their living standard isn't a good thing but they bring in all these people, never intend to stop, our highways and bridges are clogged, it throws most of our people to the curb compared to them.

Today I had expensive work on my yard which had gotten out of control. My usual guy, a natural-born American lined up two immigrants from his church, a young woman whose name I don't recall and a young man. I mean to ask him what church he goes to; I've known him for quite a few years now. The pair here today were willing to work hard. Cost me $600.

It had gotten so unsightly, like a jungle out there. It looks a lot better. As irony would have it, my Hispanic guy who did a great job reasonably for me a few years ago came to my door last night with a big box truck and a helper. I barely remembered him; he doesn't speak very fluent English and doesn't understand me very well. He really wanted the work. But I bet he would have done it at least a couple hundred dollars cheaper. I don't know if he has a green card or not but think he does because I got him from working for a friend who screens people she hires. I wouldn't know if they were telling the truth or what a green card is supposed to look like or if it could be fake.

I told him I had tried to call him twice but his number had been disconnected. I had committed to this other guy so what was I to do knowing he had committed to the Tanzanian people?

I don't get out much. Things around here are changing. really fast.

55 posted on 06/16/2016 10:19:04 PM PDT by Aliska
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To: Aliska

With Mexican or Central American illegals it’s been that way all my life in Socal. But more and more I hear how it’s getting that way in all corners of the US. Whole swaths of the construction business is being undercut. No one can compete. Here in SoCal, 15 years ago the drywall business was dominated by small African American companies. Now they have been pushed out of the market by the illegals. All those businesses, all those families lost a solid livelihood.

57 posted on 06/16/2016 11:34:16 PM PDT by Yaelle (Make America Safe Again)
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