He may have only been suspended. That being said, he is an insufferable egotist.
And a total bore!
Or perhaps it’s more a case of arrested moral development. Most of us, when we’re quite young, see people as either good or bad. For example, if you have good parents, we see them as all good. The idea that they have flaws is incompatible with this level of morality.
Typically with time this perception changes. We begin to see people as complex, with even very good people having shortcomings, and even not good people having a decent trait or two.
Then you’ve got people that never make it to that level of morality. Even as adults, they see people as all good or all bad. To a Cruz supporter operating on this moral level, Cruz is all good and Trump is all bad. Hence their inability to see Cruz’ flaws, and hence too our frustration. When you’re dealing with a person that can’t get beyond, All Good vs All Bad, facts, logic and rationality don’t attain. The only possible outcome of engaging with such an individual is futility.
This isn’t to suggest the arrested development person is a bad person. Often they’re very good people. They’re just not very mature, fwiw.
I am guessing towards a “suspension” possibly, in the like form of the several reappearances of, *LobbyLu.
It’s like Fatal Attraction.. some are allowed to keep resurfacing. You think they are gone and then BOOM, they’re back.
I get it. It’s not easy for the management to kiss off these old timers who have just lost it over this primary.
It takes guts to find the boot and deliver its swift force to the seat of the pants, but this is over the rise and fall of our country, now.
Who needs a Cruz discussion still yammering from the nose bleed section.
It’s either TRUMP, or the USA is a BUST. Period. The game playing and the sore loser sniffle crowd have got to fight along side of us or get out of the way.
Suspended until after the election and Trump kicks bump will be okay.
I see that damn photo of the Reb general, and I go away.