It’s calculated to hide behind the LGBT issue. It’s calculated to be drowned out by LGBT narcissism.
Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgendered people who trust Muslims are suicidal.
In Muslim countries, if you’re found out to be gay, you’re chopped liver the next morning.
There the only option is to stay in the closet.
Twitter is always its own hothouse of self-regard but today has been an especially appalling mirror-gazing session. Mentions of Orlando, Islam, and even gun control quickly yielded to the usual me-me-me hashtags of #loveislove, #pride, etc. etc.
These people simply cannot tear their minds away from their genitalia for a 24 hour period even in the wake of 50 of their 'community' murdered by an individual whose motive is undisputed even if he is already dead himself.
Perhaps even worse are the trained seals clapping along with overwrought, naive and (of course) self-referential responses to the hashtags eg 'Seeing so many #loveislove tweets has restored my faith in humanity.'
My view of these is, as usual, if their 'faith in humanity' was that fragile to begin with then they are a cheap date. And shallow to boot,