“TREASON - continuous, in-your-face, agenda-driven, agency-abetted, representative-enabled, media-complicit, court-sanctioned, ongoing....”
....and backed by more than fourty per-cent of the population that includes the pseudo-intellectual, adolescent, psychotic, Christian-hating/bashing scu&bags who would gladly take a position in a revolutionary re-education camp deciding who goes to the right and who goes to the left.
....and backed by more than fourty per-cent of the population that includes the pseudo-intellectual, adolescent, psychotic, Christian-hating/bashing scu&bags who would gladly take a position in a revolutionary re-education camp deciding who goes to the right and who goes to the left.
ripley, your honest opinion is right on. Mohammedans and Marxists the most vile, plundering, murderous, collectivist SCUM that have ever been allowed to roam the planet. Witness history. Witness current events.
DEPOPULATE socialists/totatitarians from the body politic. DEFUND/DISMANTLE/DESTROY (when necessary) their collectives, foreign and domestic.
It’s easy to
live - free - republic
It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.
Socialism Is Legal Plunder
Plunder and death. The twin towers of TOTALITARIANISM
C’mon November (a measure of our misery)
Ballot box BUMP!