So they can go back one, two, three, four, five decades into Trump's past but anything in the past of Hillary's is old news and no one is interested.
This is breathtaking in its dishonesty. And if that is not enough, this is all Trump's fault anyway regardless of if he had anything to do with writing the book or not which he did not.
If this is all they have against Trump Clinton is in very big trouble.
Four decades of treating people who work for you like crap, and carrying on like a prima-donna in general, will eventually catch-up with you.
Trump’s fault.
many other SS that served under Clinton should spill the beans and do all they can to derail Hillary , thereby sparing their currently serving compatriots the hardship and suffering of having to serve under these same despicable cretins . One the other hand , just one of the current detail could decide to do the nation a huge favor .
Mary Anne Marsh is a typical lying RAT talking head. She gets her talking points and spews them on TV like a good stooge.
Based on what we all know, and what is covered in this book, it should be blatantly obvious to everyone that the “campaign Hillary” and the “jeckle-Hyde” hillary are the same person.
All smiles on the campaign trail, to get what she needs, and if she does, she’ll treat the rest of us - especially conservatives - like sh did the SS and White House staff.
The clintons are users, and crooks.
Another thread from earlier if anyone is interested in
reading the comments thereon;
The bushes should have told their “brother from another mother” billy boy to “be nice to the help”. Because when u are not, you can expect some karma...