I look forward to seeing you eat your words. You've been ensnared by another round of clickbait from the Dallas Morning News. Todd Gilman is as much a lefty as anyone from the NY Times or WaPo.
See my #38 just above.
Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas.
You hitched your wagon to Cruz. How’s that itch feeling?
Make that #18, I’m sure you’ll digest the message.
Yours is an obvious weak pathetic rebuttal. There’s no click bait; just an AP article picked up by the Dallas paper.
All the writer did was report on McConnell ridiculing Cruz. He poses the same questions every one else is wondering. Where does Cruz go from this point forward? Choices exist.
1. Support the nominee as promised and stay quiet or campaign actively.
2. Work together with fellow Senators and put aside animosity.
3. Cling to his faux-outsider status and continue to campaign for himself and ignore his obligations to Texas and to the Senate.
4. Do everything he can to undermine Trump, promote Hillary and hope that Trump’s defeated so he has a chance to run in 2020.
So far he’s taken a Mexican vacation following an extended unearned absence from the Senate. Cruz needs too pick up the pace.