Wake up!
This is a leak that lay at the feet of Bill Kristol. He is not approaching conservatives who know better than to elect Hillary.
He is approaching only those who would actually consider handing her the election.
Like, maybe you also would consider, right? None of this is funny, but telling. There are traitors who would take their butt hurt to the extreme and prefer TRUMP losing to Hillary to satisfy their clinical hatred of the people’s choice— TRUMP.
You read an awful lot into an article that merely supposes what’s going to happen and for whom. That’s really all I was trying to say in that post. No need to get your knickers in a twist just yet.
It’s a pretty stupid thing for Kristol or anyone else to insert someone into the race at this point. I would think you ardent Trump supporters wouldn’t be too bothered by that. After all, he’s “the people’s choice” (that 60% of republicans didn’t vote for), right?