You don’t belong to the same church DT does. Do some research on the teachings of the Presbyterian church.
It’s all grace — Christ died on the cross for our sins. No need to ask for forgiveness My church believes similar.
Take a good theology class about the differences in the Protestant churches and how they differ
Well no I ain’t a Presbyterian but so what? God doesn’t change how He operates.
I studied that stuff under a DTS graduate over the last couple of decades, in a bible church with no denominational strings.
Some people are so big into grace that they posit God has no rules.
(Contrarily, some people are so big into rules that they posit God has no grace.)
God has grace and God has rules. They fit together in love. God won’t violate His most inmost being. He won’t turn love into hate for anybody.
Thank you for your informative posts and insights. Very helpful!
It is by Grace I am saved....
...but I am not without sin
As Ruth Bell Graham (a Presbyterian) married to Billy Graham, a Baptist had them write on her tombstone
“End of Construction....Thank-you for Your Patience”
Sanctification continues all our days .......till we get to Heaven.....