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To: BenLurkin
ok then.


25 posted on 05/25/2016 10:00:40 AM PDT by SteveH
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To: SteveH; All


00:20 Hello,
00:24 So, it has been left to me alone, even though I was informed
00:28 that the legal aspects
00:32 will be addressed by two of us, so I had
00:36 … had I know that
00:40 it would all be left to me alone, I might have
00:44 prepared a different report. Nonetheless, now, I will be [addressing] it all. Well…
00:48 This is what I have prepared: Dear guests,
00:52 Today’s conference is supposed to help to answer the question
00:56 whether we should be afraid of Islam. My answer
01:00 is straightforward: we should definitely
01:04 not be afraid of Islam. We should deal with it in the same way
01:08 in which the European civilization has successfully 01:13 dealt with all totalitarian and inhuman regimes
01:17 that it had to face during more than 2,000 years of its history.
01:21 In particular, we should fight against Islam,
01:25 beat it, and prevent its proliferation once and for all,
01:29 just as in the case of previous monstrous ideologies,
01:33 declare the very existence of Islam as a criminal act 01:37 that contradicts human nature, freedom,
01:41 and particularly human dignity.
01:45 Because that’s exactly what Islam is,
01:49 namely a system contradicting the human nature, freedom,
01:53 and dignity. It is the same as Nazism,
01:57 fascism, and communism used to be.
02:01 Even though it hides, pretending to be a religion, when in reality
02:05 it is primarily a criminal state and run by criminals’
02:09 ideology, with an unreformable system of governance. 02:13 Islam is hiding behind
02:17 the mask of religion
02:21 for two reasons.
02:26 [Interjection: Mme. Doctor, is this not beyond the border?]
02:30 This is not beyond the border. [Interjection: No, today, we have agreed —]
02:34 [Interjection: I would appreciate (?), but —]
02:38 Perfect! So my opinion… that’s exactly —
02:42 That’s exactly what is possible here! The moment when 02:46 a person states, when I state my opinion
02:50 on Islam, which is supported by laws,
02:54 well, that is not possible!
02:58 Should I continue or not? [Moderator: No.] I should not continue. Excellent! [Moderator: Thank you.]
03:02 Audience: Shame! Shame!
03:06 Panelist: … Some common, factual… (inaudible)
03:10 [Hum from audience] Dr. Samkova: Truly unbelievable! 03:14 Moderator: We came together here today in order
03:18 to exchange information, so we could exchange views 03:22 and opinions. Audience: In that case, you should first write on the front…
03:26 [Audience hum — incomprehensible] 03:30 Audience member: So they would first prepare their presentations. Mme. Doctor is stating her
03:34 opinion. So kindly let her finish speaking!
03:38 Moderator: This is not an opinion, this is propaganda.
03:43 And to promote here individual political opinions 03:47 Audience member: In that case… (drowned out)
03:51 Are you the one who has the right to decide what is propaganda? You know
03:55 what Mme. Doctor wants to say? Moderator: I heard (?) Islam!
\ 04:03 Panelist: Pardon me, but I think that it would be very good for it to be [spoken] out loud. Because
04:07 otherwise, she will look like, that, in reality, it is forbidden to say
04:11 [words drowned out by applause]
04:15 I have no objection to it, after all, it is
04:19 (mumbles) I’m just answering
04:23 all the demands (?), so
04:27 …legally… do not want to breach rules, some ambassadors…
04:31 …to hear such… their religion…
04:39 … that would be… as regards to…
04:43 Panelist: if Mme. Doctor were to, a little bit, soften her vocabulary…
04:47 I would very unhappy if, here, now, how could I say… 04:51 (?), for now, trying very hard (?)
04:55 (?) if it would perhaps be possible to
04:59 unlike those of you who have (?)
05:03 if, in her presentation, there was emphasis given (?) 05:08 because this has been, really, the only presentation which contained concrete suggestions
05:12 whether we shall discuss them, or if we may not have to.
05:16 So, I ask for one thing: let’s tone it down a little bit
05:20 The rhetoric, let Mrs. Samkova finish speaking,
05:24 and then you can revisit it in a good discussion. (?) 05:28 Moderator: All right… (?)
05:32 Moderator: Mme. Doctor, have you understood? 05:36 [incomprehensible]
05:40 Moderator: Which way is it possible to put pressure on you?
05:44 Through censorship!
05:48 If, again, you don’t like what I say, stop me! [Moderator: No, as long as you will
05:52 not as (?), and as your opinion. Dr. S: I am presenting it as my opinion!
05:56 As my personal opinion! Does it look like I’m hiding behind anyone? [Moderator: No, we here…
06:00 Moderator: you have pronounced here certain (?)… ] And I think that it is so.
06:04 That is my personal opinion.
06:08 Thank you! Unlike others, I do not
06:12 hide behind my employer, religion or even
06:16 other organizations.
06:20 Moderator: Nor do I, and my only aim that
06:24 how shall I put it, yes, so that all would listen. 06:28 So that nobody would have a reason to leave this discussion.
06:32 So, I thank you (inaudible).
06:37 Islam pretends to be a religion for two reasons. The first is 06:41 is the historical rise of Islam, which did not permit any different form of
06:45 ideological presentation other than just [this] religion.
06:49 Not even in ancient Greece was it permitted to form 06:53 philosophical constructs, independently of the State religion,
06:57 as Socrates could tell us. And it was
07:01 even less possible to create a conceptual paradigm of a character other
07:05 than religious in the seventh century A.D.,
07:09 at the edge of what was the civilised world at the time.
07:13 The second reason why Islam
07:17 hides behind the religious mask is its permanent, 07:21 and purposeful abuse of what the Euro-American legal 07:25 system and values, which civilization
07:29 originally built on Judeo-Christian foundation, have achieved.
07:33 There is nothing better and more effective
07:37 than abusing your enemy’s system of values,
07:41 while simultaneously not sharing this system.
07:45 And that’s exactly how Islam behaves. It demands protection
07:49 according to our traditions, which it thus abuses,
07:53 without being willing to reciprocate.
07:57 It relies on our traditions, appeals to them,
08:01 while behind our backs, it is laughing at us and our system of values.
08:05 Let us first of all look at why it is
08:10 absolutely correct to place Islam at the same level as a totalitarian regime.
08:14 Islam, even though it declares itself to be a religion,
08:18 is primarily a system of governance, in which
08:22 in which God has only a representative position,
08:26 while the main content of Islam is the creation of state
08:30 governance. Unlike Christianity, Hinduism
08:34 Buddhism, Taoism or Shintoism, at the core
08:38 of Islam is law, that is, Sharia law.
08:42 This is an integral part of Islamic ideology
08:46 and it is inseparable from it – and in this I fully
08:50 agree with the currently present Mr. (?) [fellow panelist].
08:54 It forms the most intrinsic content of Islam, in which rules, which are

08:58 declared to be religious, or perhaps ethical, make up only
09:02 the secondary and marginal content of this ideology.
09:06 In Islam, the idea of religion as a private matter,
09:10 as a personal affair of each individual, is absolutely unacceptable.
09:14 Yet, it is precisely on this principle on which
09:18 today’s Christianity, and the civilization which grew from it, are built.
09:22 It is a private relationship of an individual with God,
09:26 facilitated, more or less, by one of the religious organizations. Even those
09:30 members of our civilized sphere which pronounce themselves to be atheists,
09:35 that is, those who claim that they do not believe in a God,
09:39 automatically draw their attitudes to life from the Christian traditions,
09:43 while these traditions take the form of either folklore
09:47 or the form of cultural elements automatically presumed,
09:51 thanks to which even they share in generally Christian
09:55 European and America’s spirit. It is necessary to
09:59 stress again that this attitude is not just unacceptable to Islam,
10:03 but is denounced by it and directly called a crime.
10:07 Islam rejects the individual conception of belief
10:11 in God, and in a totalitarian manner, it prohibits
10:15 all doubts about it itself.
10:19 If anyone believes we have no right to judge what is totalitarianism
10:23 and domination, and that we have no right to say this about Islam,
10:27 then I say that in a country which spent 300 years under the domination of foreign rulers,
10:31 and in the last 78 years, spent 48 years
10:35 under totalitarian regimes, 10:39 we have trained our antennae rather well
10:43 to detect precisely totalitarianism and domination,
10:47 and we can recognize it at first glance.
10:51 We have the right and the ability to recognize it and judge it.
10:55 Islam does not share the European concept of enlightenment of social
10:59 progress, which lies in the future. According to Islam, the good times have already passed,
11:04 — in the era of Prophet Mohammed.
11:08 The best things that could be done, have already been done and the best,
11:12 and the only, ideas that make sense have already been written, that is the Koran.
11:16 In its essence, Islam is
11:20 a religion based on the book of Ecclesiastes which, more than a thousand years
11:24 before Mohammed stated: “What benefit does m
an gain
11:28 from his unending toil, from toiling under
11:32 under the sun? Generations come and
11:36 generations go, but the Earth remains forever.”
11:40 Judaism, Christianity, and the civilization that arose from them,

11:44 this unjustified skepticism,
11:48 this contempt for one’s own self, all this [our civilization] has overcome.
11:52 But Islam has remained the still-born child of gnosis,
11:56 deformed and monstrously mutated, longing
12:00 for return into a merged union with the Universe, into a retarded
12:04 obsessive, psychopathic, paranoid concept
12:08 of the exceptional nature of one’s own path towards the reunification
12:12 of the essence of the devotee with God. [Moderator: Well, this is again your opinion.]

12:16 [Moderator: nothing more.] Dr. Samkova: It is an opinion, Mr. Editor
12:20 [sound covered up by noise]
12:24 [Moderator: If you are going to…] [unclear] Dr. Samkova: (?) perhaps it will be necessary…
12:28 to return to Gnostic texts of the third [very unclear, best approximation]
12:32 [unclear] Moderator: And that was supposed to be [unclear] serious?
12:37 Even that is my right.
12:41 From this concept, even through Islam, there flows the all-encompassing notion
12:45 of equating matter with Evil, from which springs the contempt for our
12:49 civilization, which is thus considered matter-based,
12:53 Evil in its essence, and in opposition to God.
12:57 It is real tragedy for the Muslims themselves, that
13:01 by entering this blind alley,
13:05 Islam has forever closed its path to God.
13:09 Depression, extinction, disbelief in humans and their individual
13:13 irreplaceable value, disbelief in the dignity
13:17 of every human being, regardless of their characteristics, such as
13:21 religion, social status, gender and nationality,

13:25 this is what defines Islam.
13:29 Islam has rejected philosophy, as we know it,
13:33 that is, as an opportunity for a rational and critical view of reality.
13:37 This attitude to Islam blocks even just thinking through ideas
13:41 on human freedom, dignity, the role of a person and the State,
13:45 and, paradoxically, also reflecting on God,
13:49 which have become, in the context of Euro-American civilization,
13:53 an integral component of the thoughtful deliberations pursued by top scientists
13:57 astrophysicists, mathematicians and biologists,
14:01 who, through the results of their research, touch the essence of the Universe
14:06 and thus the very essence of God. However, for Muslims,
14:10 this contact with God is forever, until the Day of Judgment, closed,
14:14 since their own ideology lost its contact with God 14:18 though the death of Mohammed. How immensely
14:22 desperate their life must be when it’s essentially
14:26 just waiting for death! The results of this total
14:30 space-time paralysis of Islam are the very nations
14:34 suffering under Muslim ideology, who are the ones most devastated.
14:38 It is they, and their citizens, who are
14:42 through this dismal pseudo-religious state, stripped of their dignity, and cannot fulfil
14:46 their potential, which has been given them as human beings as their birthright,
14:50 and for which they consciously or subconsciously long.
14:54 Just as the most pitiful and most numerous victims
14:58 of Communism were Russians, when totalitarian communism arose.
15:02 Just as the first victims of Nazi Germany
15:06 were Germans, in the same way, the victims of
15:10 inhumane totalitarian Islam, the ones most devastated are Arabs and other nations
15:14 that live under Islamic domination. Here and now,
15:18 I would like to express my deepest sympathy
15:22 with these people, especially to Muslim women, who suffer the most.
15:26 However, for Muslims, there is no other path than the path
15:30 to destruction, because they are denied that which forms the essence of human
15:34 nature, that is, development.
15:39 Islam, and its sharia legal system, is incompatible
15:43 with the principles of European law, especially with the rights
15:47 embedded in the Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
15:51 As (?) has said, how is it possible that our lawyers
15:55 do not know this? How is it possible that they are silent?
15:59 How is it possible that they accept all of the Muslims’ demands,
16:03 as they wave Article 9 around, of the above quoted Convention,
16:07 which guarantees freedom of thought, conscience and religious
16:11 faith? And how is it possible that if the Muslims
16:15 request protection according to this legal provision in our world,
16:19 that our own legal code cannot, at the same time —
16:23 there cannot be extended an equal protection to those opinions, thoughts and
16:27 religious convictions that oppose Islam?
16:31 And here, I will indulge in a brief aside. How well 16:36 Muslims are willing to listen to different views, that we have
16:40 seen for ourselves here. [i.e. the Turkish Ambassador and others walked out during her presentation]
16:48 Can our lawyers count up only to 14?
16:52 when Article 14 of the Convention says that the enjoyment of the rights
16:56 and freedoms described by the Convention must be guaranteed
17:00 without discrimination based on any criteria?
17:04 I am amazed that not even Mme. Professor,
17:08 not even Mme. Dr. Vysova, have been called upon
17:12 to comment on the following Article,
17:16 That would be Article 17 of the Convention on Human Rights and
17:20 Basic Freedoms, which states: “Nothing in this
17:24 may be interpreted so that it gives the state,
17:28 a group or individuals any right
17:32 to develop activities or commit actions directed towards destroying
17:36 any of the rights and freedoms acknowledged herein or restriction of these rights and freedoms
17:40 acknowledged herein or restriction of these rights and freedoms in a greater scope
17:44 than that determined by the Convention.” This provision
17:49 of the Convention was pushed through personally by Winston Churchill,
17:53 and he did so for a specific reason, as protection against
17:57 totalitarian regimes. He himself had, of course,
18:01 been thinking of the regimes of that time, communist regimes.
18:05 I am thinking of Islam, which is equally totalitarian 18:09 in my eyes, as equally threatening as those regimes, against which
18:13 Winston Churchill fought and over which he was victorious.
18:17 The protection by Article 17 correctly applies
18:21 against any ideology, and the fact that the European countries which lie within the jurisdiction
18:25 of the Convention have, so far, decided not to apply it,
18:29 this absolutely does not mean that they do not have the will to!
18:33 These countries are too kind, and are too aware of the price which
18:37 they have paid for their knowledge of the highest value of humanity
18:41 and they are also too patient. The assumption
18:45 of Muslim countries and leaders — who have decided to terrorise Europeans with their concept —
18:49 that the cause of this seeming indifference
18:53 of Europe is its weakness, is wholly erroneous.
18:57 Europe came to its opinion, to its world-view, has
19:01 worked towards this view at the cost of tens of millions of human lives sacrificed,
19:05 at the cost of suffering that no Muslim
19:09 can, perhaps, even imagine. Now,
19:14 Europe must still, over and over, ask Muslims:
19:18 “Do you want to live with us?” Because it’s not
19:22 whether we should fear Islam, and this is the acute, crucial
19:26 question, which must be answered, and which
19:30 can be answered only and alone by the Muslim nations.
19:34 So far it seems that the Muslims don’t want to
19:38 peacefully share the planet with the rest of the non-Muslim world.
19:42 Their terrorist acts, loudly declared
19:46 and committed in the name of Islam, demonstrate that they are not interested
19:50 in brotherhood among nations, and among peoples.
19:54 This reminds one, not just once, that
19:58 in the name of Christianity, no such [criminal] actions were committed,
20:02 and thus it is neither necessary or possible to
20:06 hold a conference: “Should we fear Christianity?” 20:10 It. perhaps, seems to be clear
20:14 no-one, perhaps, from past terrorists
20:18 nor from the brigades (?)
20:22 terrorists, each of whom (?) Europe (?)
20:26 [incomprehensible]
20:30 neither Christianity, nor (?)
20:34 Muslims shout out words about the superiority of Islam,
20:39 and its legal system, and words that mean we should submit to them.
20:43 We find no reason nor proof that
20:47 Muslims do not feel superior to us.
20:51 To us, women, homosexuals,
20:55 or whoever does not strictly adhere to the Koran. 20:59 In the near future, Europe will continue to pose this question
21:03 to Muslims, about peaceful coexistence. Then, it will come to
21:07 a metamorphosis of this question and it will sound quite different,
21:11 no longer “Do you want to live with us?”, but
21:15 it will say: “Do you want to live?” Do you, Muslims,
21:19 want to survive, because if you, devotees of Islam, want to survive,
21:27 Europe will do what it has already done twice, when it was threatened with
21:31 the danger of ideologies threatening the substance of humanity.
21:35 Even there, it will enter the battle and
21:40 crush its enemy. Part of this battle will again 21:44 be as in past wars, grand scientific
21:48 technical and technological advance, this time
21:52 unmistakably aimed at gaining a total advance in energy.
21:56 I have no idea, how it will happen in practice. Perhaps
22:00 we will succeed in finishing tokamak [a device using a magnetic field to confine plasma as a torus]
22:04 Perhaps we will succeed in drawing energy from a null field.
22:08 Perhaps we can draw some dark matter from space into our service.
22:12 However, in every case resulting from the violent acts caused by Muslims,
22:16 and the resultant war, will come the total
22:20 destruction of the Islamic ideology.
22:24 Islam will be believed in by just a few degenerate individuals, who have crawled into the desert,
22:28 from which there will vainly leak, into unending bogs, 22:32 unneeded and unasked-for oil.
22:36 Today, perhaps, the daughter of the artificial thought is that Europe is
22:40 where people should shake [in fear] for their future, their culture,
22:44 their philosophy and its identity (?).
22:49 The exact opposite is true. Just as through their malevolent acts, the Muslims
22:53 have taken the first steps towards their own absolute doom.
22:57 And it needs to be said that I, myself,
23:01 take no pleasure from this.
23:05 I would like to take the opportunity of this meeting to call on all Muslims, and all countries
23:09 who claim that their religion is Islam: Stop it.
23:13 You are heading down the wrong path. You are heading down a path that leads away from God.
23:17 You are on the path of murderers.
23:22 Your death will not bring you to Barbela, to
23:26 the land of the real God, but to
23:30 nothingness and nameless uselessness.
23:34 Nothing will be left of you, and the name of your so-called religion
23:38 will be pronounced with disgust.
23:42 It is often said of Islam
23:46 that it contains apocalyptic elements.
23:50 Thus, I would like to remind everyone of Revelation of St. John,
23:54 Chapter 12, which is called “The Vanquished Enemy.”
23:58 And there appeared a great sign in the Heavens:
24:02 a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve
24:06 stars upon her head. This woman’s blue cloak flies
24:10 in each flag of the European Union. The crown of twelve stars
24:14 is on each European Union flag.
24:18 The Muslims ought to be asking: who is that snake or dragon
24:22 that this pregnant woman crushes beneath her feet and over whom she is victorious?
24:26 Muslims have brought Europe
24:30 once again into a state of war.
24:34 It is up to them to stop it. Should they not do so,
24:38 it will be done by (?). Thank you.

27 posted on 05/25/2016 10:20:44 AM PDT by BenLurkin (The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
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