Trey Goudy has proven to be one of my biggest disappointments. At first thought he might be the real thing but he turned out to be like the Wizard of Oz, just a big show. Imagine, with his skills, if he had real intent to get to the goods on Hillary. Sigh. Nothing will come of this.
6 posted on 05/20/2016 5:05:02 PM PDT by Bronzewound
(2016 GOP. A Timid Little Division Of The Democrat Party.)
Trey Goudy has proven to be one of my biggest disappointments.
Trey was way to friendly with Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) I knew he would be a disappointment when I saw him practically swapping tears with him after one of his amnesty proposals went down.
68 posted on 05/21/2016 6:41:49 PM PDT by itsahoot
(Trump is a fumble mouthed blowhard that can't finish a sentence, but he will finish a term.)