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To: hoosiermama
Gowdy would be a big help in sending Hillary up River

Why do you say that?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The GOP effort to make political hay out of "Benghazi" has been pathetic, because of their cowardice and incompetence. The constant repetition on this site and elsewhere about "crimes" by officials of the government on September 11, 2012 are misguided bluster.

The only "crime" that night was the high crime or misdemeanor of not intervening to protect our personnel. This was NOT a violation of the US Code, and it cannot be dealt with by indictment by a Grand Jury and prosecution in Federal Court.

A decision to commit US forces to urban combat is entirely and properly within the authority of the Commander in Chief of the Army and the Navy. If Barack Obama's decision to withhold those forces was a high crime or misdemeanor, then the Congress should have impeached him and removed him from office.

But they did not do that. They didn't even try.

Instead, they set up a giant fundraising and PR operation under Trey Gowdy to constantly tickle conservatives' passions for the flag and the nation, while "investigating" nothing proper to their jurisdiction and doing less.

The idea that "Benghazi" is going to play a role in the 2016 election is just the last gasp of an incompetent and corrupt GOP.

58 posted on 05/21/2016 6:38:21 AM PDT by Jim Noble (Cruz never could have outfought Trump.But I didn't know until this day that it was Romney all along.)
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To: Jim Noble

The idea that “Benghazi” is going to play a role in the 2016 election is just the last gasp of an incompetent and corrupt GOP.

Truth matters. I have still faith enough in the American people, including the low info, busy, voters who don’t stay on top of politics or know where to look for facts, to be thoroughly disgusted if they knew Hillary lied to the faces of the mothers of the dead heroes as they met the flag draped coffins holding their beloved sons.

66 posted on 05/21/2016 2:59:48 PM PDT by Yaelle (Tinkerbelle glittering up the runway for Trump Force One!)
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