Wallace has the same problem that Meghannnnn has. They both want to be DBM shills.
Newt says Trump is working with Federalist Society (counterbalance to ABA) on a speech relating to the judiciary. Huelscamp (Freedom Caucus from Kansas) is accepting the NYT story, and is "concerned" that Trump is inconsistent.
Newt reminds Huelscamp that Trump is better than Hillary and federal bureaucracies.
Huelscamp big problem with Trump is he want to raise taxes on the rich, his "flexibility," is not 100% pro-life. Figures that some voters will stay home rather than vote for lesser of two evils.
Good interview to read, I think. Shows the power of the press in planting false conclusions in the part of listeners - e.g., Huelscamp is either a liar or has been misled on "Trump want to raise taxes on the rich."
Newt is doing great.