Can you imagine Condi as POTUS?
I can’t.
That’s where Trumps VP will be in 8 years.
Not saying this as a challenge, but as someone who is unsure...why? Are there specific reasons why she is not qualified? From what I understand, she is not a rock-ribbed conservative, but she seems to never be part of the establishment conversation, and has enough conservative cred. I can’t remember any controversy as to her performance as Sec of State, and she had all the right enemies, including a prickly relationship with Colin Powell, the racist.
OK, I got off my lazy butt and actually did some research. I now see Condi is soft on pro life calling herself mildly pro-choice, and would not mesh with Trumps immigration policies, as she has made some disturbing comments on immigration. Its a shame that so many pubbies (not all) in Texas think they have to kowtow to the la Raza segment. Although I think she would be great for the win with her high favorability ratings, I personally dont think she would be good for what our country needs if she became POTUS.