Gingrich fits the bill.
Yes, he made a stupid step with Pelosi and Global Warming, but he admitted in hindsight that it was a really dumb thing he did. So at least he has the power to self-correct.
But we need to caution Newt not to get wrapped up in fads and hype. He needs to be very smart and very focused. I think he will be a good VP for President Trump because he fills the need that Donald described which is to have someone who is terrific and who is really experienced with getting things done in Congress.
Newt also had very good advice for Donald when the photos of Melania were scandalized through the scumbag media. If Donald had received Newt’s advice how to handle it, he would have gained points in the polls rather than hit a bump in the road. It shows that Newt has political media vision that Donald can benefit from.
I really like the image of Ben Carson as VP as he’s gentle and so intelligent. But unfortunately, he just doesn’t have the experience working with Congress. I hope he’s not put in the Surgeon General slot as many expect. He should be given a bigger profile and a challenge that with the public will increase his reputation for good governance. After a term in the White House perhaps as Secretary of the Interior, he could run for governor of Maryland.
Ben is 64 so he’s not out of range to run for President in the future but he may finish out his career in politics as a goodwill ambassador at large. perhaps as Secretary of State. It’s almost a given that Donald is going to pack the State Department with hard-nosed trade negotiators but there’s always a need for a person to finesse a series of meetings when the tension has risen to the boiling point.