GET A CLUE!!! In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s the United States was inundated with literally millions of immigrants. The already “in place” education system of the U.S.A. educated a young immigrant population to the point those “foreign” kids grew up as AMERICANS, sought and won public office, dominated the professions, lead science, became the people who fought and won TWO World Wars. They also found the cures for disease, and ways to correct physical injuries.
Common Core’s “graduates” can barely find their home state on a map of the world. The marvelous American education was born with the country and lasted only until the ultra liberals took control and destroyed it.
The education requirements began to go down not long after WW II. I was in High school around 53 or 54 when they began removing higher math courses as a requirement. I remember thinking at the time that maybe there should be some minimum requirements for graduation across all states, then I had to consider who would be deciding on those minimums and thought better of that idea.
Remember Reagan ran on two very big items, abolish 55 mph speed limit and abolish the Department of Education. He only got one, maybe Trump can get the other, but don't hold your breath.