But the money was taken from NC through taxes then they bribe the states. Cut the fed govt.
I would so love this. Right now (since Bill Pantless Clinton), the feds literally BRIBE states to jack up child support as high as it can go. Even if a guy loses his job in this horrible economy, the meter continues to run. Instant arrears with the threat of debtor’s prison. Even IF you get on the court docket for a downward modification (which is rarely if EVER granted) it will take months to be even considered.
After that the judge can IMPUTE income to the payor. “I see you are receiving unemployment and got laid off but you COULD be earning $50 an hour so child support payment will stay as it is when you WERE making $50 an hour”
This usually affects white low and middle class men the hardest. Search engine: child support horror stories NYS or NJ and you’ll see a system that is REALLY rigged against (mostly) white fathers.
Hubs has been impoverished for the past 12 years and has 8 more years to go (we live in NYS where matriarchy support goes to age 21 and beyond)
And they WONDER why the matrimony and population rate is so low among western men.