I’ve always said, “HOORAY Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck is OUTSTANDING”. My entire family attended 2 of his events in Washington, D.C. driving all the way from Michigan. My wife paid for access to his online services.
At the end of his show on 2/22/16 he called Trump supporters “brownshirts”. I was listening. I couldn’t believe it so I wrote it down and noted the date (I just had that note out yesterday).
That was the end of the line for me. My youngest son (37) recently stated what a waste of time all that was. Beck has done a lot of great things and will continue to do a lot of good things. The microphone, much like the government, has a lot of power.
I bought one or two of his books back in 2010. He actually used to be very funny and informative.
He has just been becoming more and more crazy and sanctimonious over the years though. I have stopped listening to him a few years ago.