we stopped flying as soon as an obviously IQ-deprived ‘civil serfvant’ stopped someone (with lots of loud alarms, bells, and whistles) for a little bottle of blueberry jam
the airport BS needs to stop. how long are the American people going to put up with this incompetent krap, anyway?
With these ridiculously long TSA lines all some terrorist has to do is get half way through the line before blowing himself to smithereens. This would cause as much devastation, terror, and disruption to the air travel system as hijacking a plane would. TSA can’t prevent it because it all happens outside the secure areas, and TSA’s ineptitude and inefficiencies turn a hard target into a soft target.
And its not like they don’t know about it. Terrorists have many times already attacked passengers in the ticketing areas. Packing hundreds of people and families into dense lines only makes it a richer target.
If only 1 in 20 passengers opted out of the scanners and demanded to be screened personally, the entire system would become overwhelmed.
Same here...