I know I wouldn't do that which is why a bible thumper like myself could never run for anything. But, since that is true for me, how can anyone run as the supreme bible thumper of the 17 on stage and hope to win. Most people who call themselves Christians are not bible thumpers and don't really want to hear about or talk about what is in the Word of God. Sad situation that.
His father attempted to get God to anoint him into dominionist privilege, which is an invitation to spirits of the wrong kind. There is a reported video of Teds expressing condign aspirations when Ted was about 18.
I don't follow the phrase "anoint into dominionist privilege" but it sounds Mormon. Also what is condign aspirations? I looked up the word but it must be specific to the cult or something.
Did Ted still swallow the whole hog at this later date, only God knows. Why didnt someone ask him about it, even a Trump agent? But it is an anti biblical notion.
The whole "Lets take the country/world for Christ" is an unbiblical notion that's for sure!
My apologies for misleading you with the flowery term, it’s my wacky head’s poetic bent. I’m just describing what the picture I saw was. I mean suitable by the term condign.
Anyhow, the spiritual move seemed presumptuous to me, and if it is, that is a good way to reap a curse. Most sensible Christians eventually learn to fear the Lord enough (He won’t indulge just anything) to avoid falling like that.