This is a very good article explaining our people in the state of INDIANA. A follow Hoosier talks about our many industry jobs here and we are more like Kentucky and Tenn. Nothing like Ohio, Ill. or WI.
They have arrested 5 protester, one hurt, last act was burning of American Flag.
I have called one new immigrant family in Indianapolis, they had no clue about their voter registration. They think voting for Obama party is good idea. I tried to convince them to vote Trump, but they will sit out, they are just worried if Dem will know he had voted GOP.
Explains a lot doesn’t it!
Moms folks came from Pa thru Ohio north of Fort Wayne
Dads From Prussia up the Mississippi/Ohio rivers through New Albany. They were stone masons. Built the Salem court house and tunnels on the Monon railroad. Next generation worked on railroad and settled in Monon
BIL family came from south Virginia Just as described