Posted on 04/29/2016 2:22:19 AM PDT by nikos1121
Poll just came out of INDY says Cruz is up 16 and winning!!!!!
I have listened for years. Today he started in on delegates. He was saying a reporter was talking to delegates and they said they were for Trump. He said you could tell the reporter was mad because she was looking to find Cruz stealing these delegates. He was trying to say the delegates stealing was all a farce made up by Trump and his supporters.
He’s delusional!!!!!!!!!
He has actually gone off the deep end!!
Trump was telling the CA Republican convention people today he had over a 1000 delegates now.
Paul Manafort has certainly been worth the money and some.
The latest internal poll I saw had Trump at 51%.
Its hard to predict what the real poll is because people aren’t telling that they are voting for Trump. They’ve talked about this problem on Fox Business. They said it was impossible to do an honest Poll this election.
Here i am!!!!!!
A little late i think....
time to watch Mr. Trump.
Was gone most of the day and pretty much just got home. Hate that the crazies are protesting Trump in Cali, but it was a *treat* to find out about the delegates. :)
Go Mr. Manafort Go!!
This cannot be possible - are the people of Indiana just NUTS? Crooze is a CREEP.
Manafort is working for Trump pro Bono !!! I Think Trump has made a deal to see what he is worth if he comes through there will be a BIG PAYDAY!!!!
Just saw it on Brett Beir!!! I was STUNNED!!!!
I remember polls out just a few days before SC, NV, and FL showing Cruz (SC, NV) and Rubio (FL) surging. All these polls turned out to be crooked. I suspect this is the same kind. Earlier today a poll had Trump up by 9, and yesterday he was up by 6. Others also had Trump leading in the 40+ percentage range.
Ahhhh! Just heard a caller say to Rush that Crooze doesn’t whine and complain like Trump! Oh for the love of Pete! Crooze is non-stop....Donald this, Donald that, Donald, Donald, Donald......
I may have to give up trying to hear this speech instructor - I just can’t listen to the crap Rush is dishing out.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Trump could go from up by 6 to down by 16 in several days, factoring in the endorsement from Bobby Knight (is that his name?). He’d have to be caught in Target’s women’s washroom with a camera to cause that.
Just watched this. It’s amazing that this was not a rally and was lacking some of the 13,000-type cheering yet Trump was as confident and upbeat and natural and jokey as ever. I hope those in California who haven’t been watching his rallies as much as we have got a feeling for his charm and leadership qualities.
California is the friendliest state, I think. When I came back to New York from California people thought I was nuts, being friendly to everyone. I had to tone it down. Culture shock.
Calii is FED UP with our borders being WIDE OPEN after today for ALL to SEE with their own eyes you know why!!! TRUMP WILL TAKE CALI, after this spectical today and last night you can SEE EXACTLY WHY!!!!! WE ALL WANT THE DAMNED WALL!!!!!
Even more reason to vote for Trump...Amazingly smart business man.
Back from the urgent care. It’s strep throat. Also terrible migraine. Hope the penicillin will get me well again. Today felt worse that yesterday. I know a lot of you here have way worse health problems, but man, being sick sucks. Love and prayer for all of my brothers and sisters here who can’t live their lives properly due to an illness.
Rest and take care.
Thank you, California and the other border states for being at the front of this movement. And thank you to Free Republic for making the rest of us more aware of the plight of California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. May the situation soon be remedied.
MISS JUDY you MUST STOP giving Rush the time of day!!!! The ONLY way for us to succeed is through their ratings!!! This is EXTREMELY important, my world has become so small lately, however if WE are to get Mr. Trump over the finish line WE MUST DESTROY their ratings and change their tune!!! this IS our LAST STAND!!!!
John on John and Ken (who stayed for the whole rally yesterday) took a lot of calls from people at the rally about what they saw and experienced after the rally. There were two groups of “protestors.” Some were just families with signs, not doing anything, in their own group.
All the violence and threats were from an ORGANIZED group of Latinos a lot had bandanas. The only injury was Trump supporter.
The John just had segment where he really yelled about how dead wrong and deliberately wrong the media is, reporting on this. It was cool. But frustrsting
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